Classified Appreciation Week 2024

Community  /  Employees

March 4-8 is Classified Employees Week! 

Every year, during the first full week of March, we take the opportunity to express our appreciation for our classified employees. We depend upon them greatly, and their dedication, hard work, and commitment to excellence is a cornerstone of our district.

From custodians to bus drivers, instructional aides to cafeteria workers, secretaries to maintenance, mechanics to tech support, our District Office support to our MECP classified staff, and everyone in between – each of our classified team members plays a valuable role in ensuring the success and well-being of our students in every aspect of our David Douglas School District community. 

Let’s take a moment this week to express our gratitude and show our appreciation to these remarkable individuals who go above and beyond. Their hard work and commitment to our school district are truly admirable, and we are privileged to have them as part of our DDSD school community.

To our classified staff members, thank you for your dedication, hard work, and commitment to our school district! Thank you for choosing to be part of our DDSD school community and for positively impacting our students’ lives.