SUN Community Schools

SUN stands for Schools Uniting Neighborhoods. The purpose of SUN Community Schools is to retain and support students by using the school as a community center and service delivery site before and after school, evenings, on weekends and during the summer. The SUN CS Lead Agency is the non-school entity that works with the principal and other school leadership at a given SUN CS school site to develop a collaborative partnership and deliver SUN CS services.

SUN CS core service categories include:

  • Academic Support and Skill Development (for youth and adults)
  • Family Engagement/Involvement
  • Community and Business Involvement
  • Service Integration (including linkages to bring in health, mental health and social services to meet the school’s needs)
  • Site Management

All of our schools have SUN programs, please contact the SUN Site Coordinator for your child’s school to learn about program dates and opportunities.

School SUN Site Manager Phone Number
Cherry ParkAmanda Price503-902-8766
Earl BoylesPauline Salazar503-528-4059
Gilbert HeightsPaola Cabrera Perez971-386-3988
Gilbert ParkMackenzie Tarrant971-387-8253
Lincoln ParkMandy Owen971-386-4050
Menlo ParkNicole Cabrera Perez971-340-6276
Mill ParkArmand Jayne971-340-6221
Ventura ParkJazmin Caliman971-277-4480
West PowellhurstKatrina Ramsey503-902-8768
Alice OttAlex Rivera 503-256-6500 ex.6510
Floyd LightVACANT971-220-0450
Ron RussellAnthony Zafra503-256-6500 ex.5641
DDHSJacqui McDougal971-601-4008