SUN Community Schools

SUN stands for Schools Uniting Neighborhoods. The purpose of SUN Community Schools is to retain and support students by using the school as a community center and service delivery site before and after school, evenings, on weekends and during the summer. The SUN CS Lead Agency is the non-school entity that works with the principal and other school leadership at a given SUN CS school site to develop a collaborative partnership and deliver SUN CS services.
SUN CS core service categories include:
- Academic Support and Skill Development (for youth and adults)
- Family Engagement/Involvement
- Community and Business Involvement
- Service Integration (including linkages to bring in health, mental health and social services to meet the school’s needs)
- Site Management
All of our schools have SUN programs, please contact the SUN Site Coordinator for your child’s school to learn about program dates and opportunities.
School | SUN Site Manager | Phone Number |
Cherry Park | Amanda Price | 503-902-8766 |
Earl Boyles | Pauline Salazar | 503-528-4059 |
Gilbert Heights | Paola Cabrera Perez | 971-386-3988 |
Gilbert Park | Mackenzie Tarrant | 971-387-8253 |
Lincoln Park | Mandy Owen | 971-386-4050 |
Menlo Park | Nicole Cabrera Perez | 971-340-6276 |
Mill Park | Armand Jayne | 971-340-6221 |
Ventura Park | Jazmin Caliman | 971-277-4480 |
West Powellhurst | Katrina Ramsey | 503-902-8768 |
Alice Ott | Alex Rivera | 503-256-6500 ex.6510 |
Floyd Light | VACANT | 971-220-0450 |
Ron Russell | Anthony Zafra | 503-256-6500 ex.5641 |
DDHS | Jacqui McDougal | 971-601-4008 |