2019-20 Furlough Information
This information pertains to the furlough that took place during the 2019-20 school year. If you are looking for information regarding the 2020-21 school year, please visit the 2020-21 Furlough Information page.
Furlough Information
The David Douglas School District is moving toward a four day work week (which most commonly means reducing hours by 20% although the hours may be reduced up to 40% if the work week for that work calendar is less than 5 days) currently effective May 17 through July 24, after which, we will further evaluate the necessity of the program in terms of its ability to help DDSD minimize the number of required layoffs, and based on staffing needs. Qualifying employees will have their hours and DDSD pay reduced by 20% (up to 40% depending on work calendar) to be eligible for unemployment and federal CARES Act funds through the Oregon Work Share program. The result of a partial furlough* plus access to CARES Act funds ($600/person/week) will mean no net loss of income and have no impact on benefits; in fact, most eligible employees will see an increase in compensation during eligible weeks. This will provide significant and immediate budget relief for the District.
* “Partial furlough” means a 20% (up to 40% depending on work calendar) reduction in an employee’s scheduled work hours and a 20% (up to 40% depending on work calendar) reduction in that employee’s compensation. It does not refer to a leave of absence from work, nor is it subject to an employee’s decision about when to use the reduced hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Oregon WorkShare Program?
Work Share is an Oregon unemployment benefits program that offers an alternative to laying off employees by reducing work hours instead. Eligible staff whose hours and wages are reduced receive a portion of their regular unemployment insurance benefits to compensate for the lost wages.
DDSD is participating in the Work Share program by reducing eligible employees’ hours and DDSD pay by 20% (up to 40% depending on work calendar).
There are individual employees who are excluded from the partial furlough because they do not qualify under state law, including:
- Their length of employment with the district does not meet the threshold of 6 months for full-time employees / 12 months for part-time employees.
- They are on a leave of absence, short leave, or partial leave of absence. Oregon Employment Department does not allow the use of leave during a reduced work week.
- They are a temporary employee.
- Certain employees who retired from DDSD in the past 18 months, including those who are working “the bubble” (post-retirement).
- They are a substitute educator, including those in long-term sub jobs.
*For the State of Oregon’s Work Share Handbook, please click here.*
What if I get email or questions on a day or time that I am not scheduled to work (i.e., Friday)?
You may not perform work during the time your schedule has been reduced. All work needs to be done in the usual course on a day you are scheduled to work.
What if I don’t want to participate in the Work Share program?
- The reduction in hours is mandatory, and your DDSD wages will be reduced by 20% (up to 40% depending on work calendar), unless you are in one of the categories of employees ineligible for the Work Share program.
- If you don’t want to participate in the unemployment compensation/Work Share process and do not want to receive CARES Act payments, do not submit an initial claim application. Your participation in the Work Share program is voluntary. However, if you choose not to participate and you are eligible, you will still work a reduced schedule and your DDSD wages will be reduced.
Who is eligible to receive unemployment compensation through the Oregon Work Share program?
Work Share is an unemployment insurance program in Oregon that allows workers to receive partial unemployment benefits while avoiding full layoffs. You must be eligible for Oregon’s Work Share program to participate.
Generally speaking, to be eligible for unemployment benefits under Work Share, you:
- Must be employed continuously (and not on a limited term) by DDSD full-time for the past 6 months or part-time for the past 12 months.
- Must not be a limited term employee or a substitute employee.
- Must be available to work your reduced hours in the week of the Work Share program (so you must not be on a leave or take leave).
- Must not have recently exhausted employment benefits.
Eligibility is determined solely by the Oregon Employment Department based on state law. DDSD has no authority to decide if an employee is eligible for unemployment benefits.
If you are eligible for Oregon Work Share unemployment benefits in any week for any amount, you will automatically be eligible for an additional $600/week of federal CARES Act payments through the last pay period that ends on or before June 30, 2020, unless the district extends the duration of the work share program.
I live in Washington. Do I apply in Oregon or Washington for unemployment benefits?
You will apply in Oregon – following the same process as employees who live in Oregon. Washington residents who work in Oregon can apply for Oregon unemployment benefits.
What happens if I’m not eligible? Or what if I’m eligible for unemployment, but my benefits are $0?
If you are not eligible for unemployment benefits or your benefit amount is $0, then you will need to follow the MOU if you receive a determination that disqualifies you.
Will I still be on a reduced schedule if I’m not eligible?
No, if you are still working when you find out you are not eligible you will not be placed on a reduced schedule nor have reduced pay. You will need to submit your determination notice to the payroll department that you receive from OED.
What if I’m not eligible now but will be before June 12, 2020?
If you become eligible before June 12, 2020, and within your regular work year, you will be added as a participant in the Work Share program at that time and you will start working a reduced schedule.
I am authorized to work for DDSD through a visa (H1-B, J1, etc.), green card, or DACA status. Am I eligible for the CARES Act money?
Foreign nationals who are authorized to work in the U.S. may be eligible to apply for Work Share unemployment benefits and the CARES Act $600 payment. Ultimately, the Oregon Employment Department, not DDSD, makes all decisions concerning unemployment benefits. Employees with specific questions regarding their eligibility for Work Share unemployment benefits should consult with an immigration attorney, and can contact Human Resources at human_resources@ddouglas.k12.or.us
Should I be worried that the State gets overwhelmed and my checks from them are delayed as a result?
The Oregon Employment Department is currently reporting a 4-week processing time for unemployment insurance payments. We cannot guarantee a time certain that the state payments will begin, and there may be some delay in payments.
DDSD is partnering with the Oregon Employment Department to streamline this process as much as possible. We are hopeful that the impact of any delay will be minimized by receiving weekly payments for unemployment benefits in addition to your DDSD paycheck.
I have a second job. Will this affect my payment amount through Work Share?
Maybe. You will report income for other employment and from retirement during the past two years on the initial claim form. It is possible to earn too much income from other sources to receive unemployment benefit payments, even if you are otherwise eligible for unemployment. You will also be required to report to DDSD any income earned from a second employer on a weekly basis.
If you receive additional income from other employment that makes you ineligible for at least $1 under the Work Share program, DDSD will exclude you as a participant going forward. You will be returned to your regular hours and pay. If this happens, you will be able to use available paid leave to cover the time that your hours were reduced.You will need to follow the MOU and submit your determination letter that you receive from OED to payroll.
What if I work two jobs at DDSD (for example a coach)?
Coaches and coach job related work and earnings are not eligible for Work Share.
If you work two jobs, for example a part-time paraeducator and part-time school secretary, you will need to reduce the hours for both positions by 20% (up to 40% depending on work calendar).
I/my spouse make too much to get the $1,200 federal stimulus payment. Will I still be eligible for the $600 CARES Act money?
Yes, if you are otherwise eligible for unemployment compensation. The federal $1,200 payment is different from and unrelated to state unemployment compensation or the CARES Act $600 weekly payment.
Will this have any impact on my retirement benefits?
If you retired under the PERS Bubble, you will be excluded from participating in the Work Share program.
The employer contribution will be based on 100% of your normal wages. It will not be based on your reduced wages. The employer contribution that DDSD will make will not change because of your reduced schedule.
The employee contribution will be based on your actual, reduced wages due to your reduced schedule
There will be no reduction in creditable service. You will receive a full month of creditable service for each month for which you are working a reduced schedule. For school district employees, a major fraction of a month is treated as a full month for creditable service.
There will be no impact on your final average salary. DDSD will report as your annual wages the full amount you would have earned had your schedule not been reduced. It will not be based on your reduced wages.
Will this have any impact on my health benefits?
No. Under a Work Share program, health benefits are not reduced.
Will my vacation and sick leave accrual rates change?
All leave accrual will remain the same.
What if I will be receiving retirement pay within the next 12 months?
You are still eligible to participate in the WorkShare program. There will be no reduction in your creditable service.
There will be no reduction in creditable service because, for school district employees, a major fraction of a month is treated as a full month for creditable service.
There will be no impact on your final average salary because the employer contribution will be based on 100% of your normal wages (not your reduced wages), and the employer contribution that DDSD will make will not change because of your reduced schedule.
What if I am currently receiving retirement pay?
If you are receiving retirement pay you will need to report this on your initial claim application.
If an employee is receiving retirement from an employer they worked for within the last 18 months, this may affect their eligibility to participate in the Work Share program. This retirement pay will be deducted dollar for dollar against their weekly benefit amount for regular unemployment insurance. To be eligible for compensation through Work Share and the CARES funds, you must be eligible for at least $1 of unemployment compensation.
What if I am currently receiving money through an IRA distribution?
Money you receive through an IRA distribution could affect your eligibility to participate in the Work Share program. The money you receive will be deducted dollar for dollar against your weekly benefit amount for regular unemployment insurance.
What if I am receiving Social Security?
Receiving Social Security will not impact your eligibility to receive unemployment benefits under the Work Share program.
Do I get to choose when my hours will be reduced?
No, employees who are eligible to receive compensation through the CARES Act and Work Share program will be instructed on how their weekly schedule will be reduced. For most employees, this will mean they will not work on Fridays. If you have questions about how your schedule will be reduced, please contact your supervisor.
What are the work expectations while I am working a reduced schedule?
A reduced schedule means you are not expected to work during the time you have reduced hours. All eligible employees will have their schedules reduced by 20% (up to 40% depending on work calendar) per week. If you typically work 5 days a week, this means you will most likely not work on Fridays. Exempt employees are expected to report if they are unable to work their reduced schedule and have exceeded their scheduled hours.
How will working one day fewer a week affect my workload?
Your weekly hours will be reduced by 20% (up to 40% depending on work calendar), and your workload necessarily will be reduced. Please work with your supervisor on questions about how this reduction will affect your workload.
I am a part-time employee. What will my FTE be and what are my expectations?
Your FTE will remain the same, and your weekly hours will be reduced by 20% (to 40% depending on work calendar) of your regular schedule. If your hours have fluctuated, Work Share uses a prior six-month average to determine your 20% (to 40% depending on work calendar) reduction. Please work with your supervisor to determine what your weekly schedule will be while you are working a reduced schedule.
What if I was on a leave of absence in the past 12 months?
Past leaves will not affect your eligibility for compensation through the Work Share program.
What if I go on a leave of absence before June 12, 2020?
You are not eligible to participate in the Work Share program for any week in which you take any amount of leave, including short-term leave such as vacation or sick leave. Work Share requires that you perform work and are actively working to provide services. If you go on a leave of absence during the Work Share program, even for one day, you will be excluded during the week(s) you are on leave.
What if I’m on an intermittent FMLA/OFLA leave of absence?
Missing a work opportunity for any reason, other than a COVID-related leave, will make you ineligible to participate in the WorkShare program that week.
Can I put in vacation time for the day/time I am scheduled to have reduced hours?
No, you are not allowed to use your paid leave time during the time you are scheduled to have reduced hours. If you do use leave time you will not be eligible to participate in work share for the week and the furlough day cannot be made up or another leave used for the furlough day.
Can I take vacation or sick leave before June 12, 2020, and be eligible for compensation through the Work Share program and CARES Act?
Missing a work opportunity for any reason, other than a COVID-related illness, will make you ineligible to participate in the Work Share program that week. Please work with your supervisor in advance to arrange for time off.
I have a lot of vacation hours that I will lose in July, and I can’t use them right now. Will there be an extension to the vacation hour drop in July?
We are working on finalizing guidance on this question. More information will be available soon.
How will upcoming paid holidays be handled (i.e., Memorial Day and (if applicable- July 4th)?
For the week of Memorial Day, employees will have Memorial Day off as they normally do and they will also work a reduced work week (i.e., employees will not be scheduled on Friday).
For the week of July 4th, as it falls on a Saturday and is observed on Friday, the district will be closed, and your work schedule will be reduced on Thursday, July 2nd. As always,if you have questions, please feel free to reach out to the David Douglas Human Resources Department at human_resources@ddouglas.k12.or.us or the Payroll Department at payroll_spec@ddouglas.k12.or.us
Please click here to view our initial WorkShare FAQ email. Topics include; the initial claim form, information regarding the pre-filled fields, and items needed to prepare when filling out the form.
For more information about RELIACARD (the loaded VISA card that one would use if they do not choose Direct Deposit) click here. Please remember that RELIACARD is not issued nor supported by the David Douglas School District.
Your David Douglas Leave of Absence webpage. Information about short term, long term, and COVID-19 leaves. Click here.