SafeSchools Trainings

SafeSchools Training is an online compliance system that allows school districts across the state of Oregon to easily train staff members on school-related safety issues to demonstrate state and federal compliance with safety mandates. SafeSchools courses have been authored by nationally renowned experts, and has been endorsed by a number of school boards and superintendent associations nationwide.


SB 379, HB 2062, the McKinney-Vento Act, and annual District safety and informational updates require annual training of all school district personnel on child abuse, sexual conduct, and homeless children awareness along with other safety and District informational items. To meet these requirements all District employees need to complete an online training no later than September 30 annually.  These training courses are mandatory and the employee’s responsibility.

All employees with active email addresses will receive an email notification from, our online training company. SafeSchools will advise you of the training courses you are required to complete and instructions on how to log in and use the SafeSchools system.  If you do not receive an email immediately contact Human Resources. 

Employees, please use your David Douglas Dashboard to quickly access your SafeSchools profile.

Once you receive your email notification from SafeSchools you may log in and begin your training. Training courses will be available between July 1 and September 30. Please plan time to complete all training courses by September 30. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your principal, supervisor or anyone in Human Resources (especially David at 503-261-8210.

Please Note: To log on in the summer to complete these courses is voluntary, it is not required that you complete these training courses this summer as time will be allocated in the fall to complete these training courses.

  • Required annual courses and acknowledgments:
  • Child Abuse: Identification and Intervention
  • Sexual Conduct: Staff to Student
  • Homeless Student: Awareness and Understanding
  • Blood Borne Pathogen
  • Online Safety: Cyber Bullying
  • Employee Handbook acknowledgement
  • Acceptable Use Policy acknowledgement
  • Dress Code acknowledgement
  • Staff Guidance on Student Information acknowledgement
  • Pest Management

Specialized positions may have additional courses assigned by the supervisor.

Families of David Douglas School District:

As a district parent, you may register to take suggested training for Child Abuse: Identification & Intervention, Sexual Conduct: Staff-to-Student and Cyberbullying. There are two ways to do this:

Use your registration key: a8bbb1d9
Go to Safeschools homepage click “Register” (To the right of the “Sign in” button). On the next screen you will be prompted to enter the registration key above. Next you will be prompted to enter some basic information, including a username of your choice, which you will use to login to the system moving forward.

Use the “quick link” registration URL: Safeschools
Click on or enter the address above into your internet browser, and you will be taken to the registration page where you will enter your basic information, including a username.

To begin a course, click on the blue title link and follow the prompts. To earn a certificate of completion, you must complete all sections of a course and pass the quiz.

Your participation will help to make your child’s school district a safer place to work and learn!

If you have any problems using SafeSchools, please contact Cliff Doran in Human Resources at

The SafeSchools logo is: Copyright © 2015 Scenario Learning. All rights reserved.

Safeschools for Volunteers

SELF-REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS – David Douglas School District Volunteers

David Douglas School District has elected to use the SafeSchools online safety training program to train both professional and support staff on school-related safety issues.  SafeSchools offers trainings in all facets of school safety issues, and its compliance management system tracks all the training for the district, allowing us to easily demonstrate state and federal compliance with safety mandates.  SafeSchools courses have been authored by nationally renowned experts, and has been endorsed by a number of school boards and superintendent associations nationwide.

  Use the “quick link” registration URL:

Enter the address above into your internet browser, and you will be taken directly to the registration page where you will enter your basic information, including your username.

Once you log into the site, you will see the Volunteer Orientation training plan. Please complete the course immediately.  To begin the course, click on the title then follow the prompts.  To earn a Certificate of Completion, you must complete all sections of the course and pass the quiz.  You do not have to take the SafeSchools course in one sitting. If you are called away, the system will remember where you left off and allow you to pick up again at that point.

Your participation will help make the David Douglas School District a safer place to work and learn!  If you have any questions, please contact Cliff Doran in HR at (503) 261-8210 or SafeSchools at 1(800) 434-0154.