Tips and Best Practices

Systems and Schedules

  • Print the school calendar. Post it where you will see it regularly. 
  • Note or highlight important dates and closures. 
  • Set a regular bedtime and morning routine. Then stick to them. 
  • Lay out clothing, pack backpacks, and make lunches the night before.

How You Can Help

  • Emphasize the importance of regular school attendance.
  • Talk to your child about the importance of regular attendance and how it connects with their future goals.
  • Teach your child to be on time for school each day.
  • Both excused and unexcused absences hurt your child’s education. They all represent lost time in the classroom and lost opportunities to learn.
  • Communicate with the school if you are in need of supports or resources for your family. (See: Resources link)

Addressing Obstacles

  • Make sure your child’s immunizations are up-to-date.
  • Don’t let your child stay home unless he or she is truly sick. Mild complaints (stomach aches or headaches, for example) may be expressions of some other issue. If your child seems anxious about school, talk to your child’s teacher or school counselor. (See: FAQ regarding illness)
  • Schedule doctor/dentist/counseling appointments before or after school hours.
  • Bring your child to school before and/or after daytime doctor’s appointments.
  • Plan family vacations when your child is on vacation, not on scheduled school days. 
  • Develop back-up plans for getting your kids to school. That way, if something comes up you’ll be ready. Ask a family member, a neighbor, or another parent to be part of your support team.