McKinney-Vento Act (Homeless)

Who qualifies

The federal government’s legal definition of homelessness is based on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act includes anyone who…

  • Is lacking a regular, fixed and adequate nighttime residence (sub-standard housing)
  • Is sharing housing due to economic struggles (doubled-up)
  • Is living in a shelter, hotel or motel
  • Is living in a public place not designed for sleeping (cars, parks)
  • Is an unaccompanied youth, not living with a parent or guardian

We can help

We may be able to assist you with the following if you qualify under McKinney-Vento Act…

  • Assistance with academic fees
  • Feasible transportation to school of origin (school attended when qualified for McKinney-Vento Act)
  • Free meals at school
  • School clothes
  • School supplies
  • Referrals to health and dental care

Florence Protopapas | 503-261-8238 |

211 Info

McKinney-Vento Referral Form 2022-2023