Computer rendering of DDHS Futures Career Center

Bond Measure Information

On November 2022, David Douglas School District voters approved a $140 million bond measure aimed at enhancing schools district-wide, including the construction of a new Career and Technical Educational Center (CTE) at David Douglas High School (DDHS), we have been working tirelessly. 

2022-2023 School Year Highlights: 

  • In partnership with BRIC Architecture, the School District hosted focus groups with families to gather input and feedback on the new CTE Center.
  • Our Bond Oversight Committee has been meeting regularly to ensure that every project is on track and that your hard-earned tax dollars are spent in the most cost-effective way possible. 

2023-2024 School Year Highlights: 

  • The Equity in Design Committee, a group of DDHS students, families, BRIC Architects, and staff members, met regularly to provide feedback and input on the design of the new CTE Center. 

BRIC Architecture has hosted informational sessions for our upcoming CTE building project. These sessions provided a valuable opportunity to engage with our David Douglas students and gather essential insights.

Here’s a summary of the key information gathered:

Engagement in Pre-Design:

  • Conducted sessions with students in affinity spaces to foster listening and learning.
  • Insights gleaned from these sessions informed the project aspirations and guidelines crafted by the Equity in Design Committee, thereby shaping the entire design process.

Understanding Student Pathways:

  • Collaborated with CTE students and their teachers to gain deeper insights into each pathway.

Iterative Feedback Collection:

  • Followed up with students to validate significant ideas.
  • Shared the project model with various student groups such as ASB, student affinity groups, and CTE students to gather feedback and design suggestions.
  • Launched a campus-wide survey during the 2023-2024 Back to School Night and Homecoming, seeking specific feedback on desired spaces within the building.
  • Revisited students to gather input on murals and culturally expressive art for the building.
  • Solicited final feedback during Unite Week and before the conclusion of the 2023-2024 school year.

Impact and Recognition:

  • Emphasized a notable moment when a student from the Black Student Union acknowledged the team’s attentive listening, signaling a successful engagement.

PENCE Contractors partnered with our David Douglas High School College and Career Center to offer internships to DDHS students. 

To read the latest information, please click on the Bond Updates link. 

What will the bond cost?

The district estimates that the proposed $140 million bond will increase the tax rate by $0.88 per $1,000 of assessed value.


1) The State of Oregon will award the David Douglas School District a matching funds grant of $8 million to help fund proposed bond projects.

2) The bond will:

Photo of an example secure school entry way: A vestibule with two door entry

Prioritize health, safety and security projects at all district schools

Construction working stock photography: working on wiring

Repair and update aging school buildings across the district

Computer rendering of DDHS Futures Career Center

Fund the construction of a new Future Careers Center on the David Douglas High School campus to expand hands-on and vocational learning opportunities

Featured Image: Artist rendering of Future Careers Center at David Douglas High School