School Closure Procedures
The decision to keep school open, to close, or to have a delayed opening due to weather conditions or other emergencies is based on our ability to safely transport students to and from school. Please discuss with your child the arrangements that need to be made in the event that students are sent home early.
Closure Communications/Notifications
Delays, early releases and closures will be shared via local media, auto phone calls/texts, our website and Facebook page. The information will be posted promptly after closure decisions have been made. Listen for the announcement naming the David Douglas School District. We are NOT Portland Public Schools. The David Douglas School District sends emergency communications in several ways. Learn how to receive emergency notifications.
Types of Closures
School is Closed
- All students stay home
Late Opening
- Allows DDSD to transport students after the roads are cleared and the traffic is reduced. Breakfast will be served. In the event of a late opening all bus pickups and school start times will be 2 hours later than normal.
- David Douglas High School: 9:40 am
- Middle schools: 10:20 am
- Fir Ridge Campus: 10:20 am
- Elementary schools: 11:15 am
Early Dismissal
- On very rare occasions, we will begin school and then an unexpected storm will cause us to send students home early.
Snow Routes
Some bus routes are in very hilly areas. If your bus stop is on a snow route, you will be sent a notice from our bus garage; when you hear DDSD buses are on snow routes, please follow the instructions on that notice. If you have questions concerning this, you can call the bus garage directly at 503-256-6526. If you do not ride one of the designated snow route buses, your bus will follow its normal route.
- Gilbert Park Elementary School
- Gilbert Heights Elementary School
- Alice Ott Middle School
- David Douglas High School
- Fir Ridge Campus
Multnomah Early Childhood Program (MECP) Emergency Procedures
Many local radio and tv stations broadcast information about late openings and closures due to ice, snow or other weather conditions that make driving conditions hazardous. Please turn on your radio, tv or go online and listen to information about the district that transports your child to and from service and the district in which your child receives service.
- If the schools are closed in the district your child attends school/clinic, then MECP services will also be closed.
- If the district you live in is closed there will be no transportation to your child’s site.
- If a school district announces a late start, the MECP site in that district will not be open for morning classes. In the event of a late start, transportation will not be provided in the afternoon for families residing in the PPS School District.