School Supplies


Supply Fee

Families do not need to purchase supplies. They will be provided at school without a fee.

A community supply method will be used. There are many benefits to this method for the parent, child, and classroom teacher. It will save parents money because we are able to buy in bulk, allowing us to purchase a larger variety and better quality of supplies. Students feel more equity because all supplies are the same color, style, size, etc. Students also learn many social skills from sharing supplies. By purchasing supplies over the summer, our classrooms are set up and ready for the first day of school with the supplies that are needed.


For the following schools there is also a $15 kindergarten snack fee:

  • Cherry Park
  • Gilbert Park
  • Lincoln Park
  • Menlo Park
  • Mill Park
  • Gilbert Heights
  • Ventura Park
  • West Powellhurst


Fees can be paid during back to school night. If it is not paid then, please send the supply fee with your child on the first day of school. It is helpful to put it in an envelope with your child’s first and last name on the front.

If there are circumstances that create a hardship in paying the fee, please see your school secretaries.

Middle School

Fir Ridge Campus

A $35 supply fee paid by the student covers materials required in the classroom such as paper, pencils, pens, etc.

David Douglas High School

Since students attend different classes DDHS recommends they attend class and ask their teachers what supplies they need.

Community Transition Program