School Board Meetings

Community members are encouraged to attend David Douglas Board meetings often. Community member support and involvement is vital to the success of the David Douglas School District.

Board Meetings

The Board typically holds its regular meeting the second Thursday of each month. Please see the posted board meeting calendar to confirm the date of the next meeting. Meetings are held in the David Douglas District Office Board Room, 1500 SE 130th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97233 (located in the south high school building).

The following explains how to bring matters of concern to the attention of the School Board. As representatives of the residents in the District, it is vital for the Board to hear all viewpoints so that informed decisions can be made. Community members are welcome to comment on any agenda item.

Audience Participation

During in-person meetings, if patrons want to address the Board, a time is provided for this purpose during the public comment section in the meeting, generally early on the agenda. A sign-up sheet will be available.

When in-person meetings are not allowed, the public may request to join the meeting virtually via Zoom in order to provide live public comment. Public comment will be taken in written and phone format; both formats will be limited to three minutes. If you would like to provide public comment during the meeting via phone or computer, please contact the Superintendent’s Office at (503) 261-8201 or by noon (12pm) on the day of the meeting. Written testimony needs to be submitted by noon (12pm) on the day of the meeting. 

When the Board Chair opens discussion to the audience, anyone is welcome to address the Board concerning any subject within the Board’s authority. (See section on Board responsibilities.) As for any public meeting, persons addressing the Board should come forward, state their name and any group they represent. It is helpful to be as concise as possible because often there are many agenda items to cover and other people who may want to speak. Comments should be limited to no more than 3 minutes. Additional written testimony is welcome. The board does not normally engage in dialog with the speaker during this time. Often questions cannot be answered immediately and will take some research and discussion. The Board and/or administration will obtain an answer and respond as appropriate.

Childcare During Meetings

Do you want to attend a School Board Meeting, but lack needed childcare? There is a new organization that can help. will provide reimbursement to qualified community members for childcare while parents or caregivers attend community and civic engagement meetings such as School Board meetings. You can learn more about how this works, or sign up, here.

Board Member Elections

The David Douglas School Board is composed of seven residents who are elected to represent the community by setting policies and directing school programs. Members are elected for four years and serve without compensation. To run for the School Board, a candidate must be a resident of the District and a registered voter.

Board Responsibilities

The School Board is the policy-making body of the School District. Working within the framework of state and federal laws, it has the authority and responsibility for providing an educational program for students living within the District.

General Responsibilities of the Board Include:

  • Determine the long range direction of the School District
  • Establish policies to direct the instructional and support programs
  • Communicate with the community
  • Establish policies governing the use of school property
  • Employ and evaluate the Superintendent
  • Negotiate with employee groups to determine salaries and benefits
  • Call elections on bond proposals and other issues
  • Levy taxes approved by the voters
  • Adopt the annual School District budget

Other Communications

In addition to attending a Board meeting, community members can communicate to the School Board or to the District’s administration by writing to the School Board or the Superintendent at David Douglas School District, 11300 SE Halsey St, Portland, Oregon 97220.

To have an item considered for the regular Board agenda, contact Ken Richardson, Superintendent, or the Board Chair at least one week prior to the board meeting date.

 David Douglas School Board Policy