COVID-19 Information & Resources

COVID Testing

Locate a Testing Site

For help finding testing, call 211 or Multnomah County’s COVID-19 call center at 503-988-8939.

Use the Oregon Health Authority’s COVID-19 test site finder

Order Free At-Home Tests

Residential households in the U.S. are eligible to order three rounds free rapid antigen tests (each order contains 4 tests). Read more about the opportunity and order the rapid tests here.

COVID-19 Vaccines

Multnomah County Health Department

Multnomah County Clinic Locations and Details

For an up-to-date list of the county’s clinics visit the Multnomah County Vaccination Clinic Webpage.

Student Health Centers

Vaccines are available by appointment at the Student Health Center. Visit the Student Health Center website for more information or call 503-988-5558 to schedule an appointment.

Oregon Health Authority

Navigate the Oregon Health Authority Covid-19 site for vaccine information, including what to do after vaccination and documentation to keep.


Parent Questions about Vaccines for Youth

Watch a video from Kaiser Permanente about vaccines for youth

5 step Peer Pressure Model

Watch this video to learn how to use a 5-step peer pressure resistance model to keep young people safe regardless of what people around them may or may not do.

Cleaning and Best Practices