Family Technology Support
Free Computer Classes at Rockwood Library
Receive a Free Windows Laptop
Join 5 computer and internet basics classes and gain essential skills while earning a free Windows laptop.
Class Topics:
- Computer Basics
- Internet Basics
- Email Basics
- Welcome to Your Free Geek Computer
Dates: February 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25
Time: 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Rockwood Library
17917 SE Stark Street, Portland, OR 97233
Interested in signing up?
Email: TechLending@MultCo.Us
Call: 971-420-7258
The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program:
Eligible families can sign up to receive discount of up to $50 per month towards broadband service. They can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a computer or tablet from participating providers. Visit the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program website for more details.
10,0000 Tablets
10,000 Tablets is a project in partnership with Connecting Portland, Portland Forward & Sano Health, as a certified distributor of the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), formally EBB. We are working with community leaders to provide a smart tablet device with free unlimited internet access to 10,000 eligible income-constrained households in the Portland Metro area.
For a one-time co-payment of $10.01*, those who qualify will receive a Samsung tablet, with 5 years of unlimited service, through Verizon. Visit the 10,000 Tablets website to learn if you are qualified.
Internet Essentials – Reduced Price Internet Access
As an Internet Essentials customer, you could qualify for free Internet service through the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). ACP helps individuals and families experiencing financial challenges stay connected to the Internet. See if you’re eligible for Internet Essentials
Family and Student Tutorials:
Scroll down for tutorials offered in Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Chinese and Somali
Desplácese hacia abajo para ver los tutoriales que se ofrecen en español, ruso, vietnamita, chino y somalí
Прокрутите вниз до учебных пособий, предлагаемых на испанском, русском, вьетнамском, китайском и сомалийском языках.
Cuộn xuống để xem các hướng dẫn được cung cấp bằng tiếng Tây Ban Nha, Nga, Việt Nam, Trung Quốc và Somali
Hoos ugu soo deg casharrada lagu bixiyo Isbaanish, Ruush, Fiyatnaamiis, Shiine iyo Soomaali
- Chromebook Family Loan Agreement and Care
- Touch Chromebook Basics
- How To Setup Your Chromebook Video- English
- Logging on to a Chromebook (for students): Step by Step
Internet Connection: Wifi / Hotspots
Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL)
DDSD Website
- Upload Photo to Google Classroom with Your Phone
- Switching between Multiple Google Accounts on to a Chromebook: Step by Step
Tutoriales familiares y estudiantiles:
- Atención y acuerdo de préstamo familiar de Chromebook
- Conceptos básicos de Chromebook
- Cómo configurar tu video de Chromebook
- Iniciar sesión en un Chromebook (para estudiantes): paso a paso
Conexión a Internet: Wifi
- Configuración de un HotSpot en un Chromebook (para familias): paso a paso
- Como Configurar Tu Hotspot
Aprendizaje a distancia integral (CDL)
Sitio web de DDSD
- Sube una foto a Google Classroom con tu teléfono
- Cambiar entre varias cuentas de Google a una Chromebook: paso a paso
Семейные и студенческие уроки:
- Соглашение о семейной кредите Chromebook и уход
- Основы работы на компьютере с сенсорным экраном
- Как настроить видео Chromebook- Russian
- Вход в Chromebook (для студентов): шаг за шаго
Подключение к Интернету: Wi-Fi
Комплексное дистанционное обучение (CDL)
- Как загрузить фото с помощью смартфона
- Переключение между несколькими учетными записями Google на Chromebook: шаг за шагом
Hướng dẫn gia đình và học sinh:
- Thỏa thuận cho vay gia đình và chăm sóc Chromebook
- Thông tin Cơ bản về Màn hình Cảm ứng Chromebook
- Cách thiết lập video Chromebook của bạn
- Đăng nhập vào Chromebook (dành cho sinh viên): Từng bước
Kết nối Internet: Wifi
- Thiết lập HotSpot trên Chromebook (dành cho gia đình): Từng bước
- Cách Cài Đặt Điểm Phát Sóng (Hotspot) của Quý Vị
Học từ xa toàn diện (CDL)
Trang web DDSD
- Tải hình ảnh lên Google Lớp học bằng điện thoại của học sinh
- Chuyển đổi giữa nhiều tài khoản Google trên Chromebook: Từng bước
综合远程学习 (CDL)
Casharrada qoyska iyo ardayda:
- Heshiiska Amaah Qoyska ee Chromebook iyo Daryeelka
- Aasaasiga aasaasiga ah ee taabashada Chromebook
- Sida loo dejiyo Muuqaalkaaga Muuqaalka “Chromebook”- Somali
- Galitaanka Chromebook (loogu talagalay ardayda): Tallaabo Talaabo
Xiriirka Internetka: Wifi
Barashada Fogaanta Dheeriga ah (CDL)
Websaydhka DDSD
- Sawir ugudir Google classroom adoo adeegsanaya talefoonkaga
- Ku wareejinta inta udhaxaysa Xisaabaadka Google ee loo yaqaan ‘Chromebook’: Tallaabo tallaabo
Affordable Internet Resources
Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a new federal program that helps low-income households offset the monthly cost of a new or existing internet service and connected devices like a laptop or tablet. Visit the ACP website to learn more and apply (online or mail).
Internet Safety
iBoss Web Filtering
We filter all internet traffic with iBoss.