ParentSquare: Our New Communication Tool

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David Douglas families,

We are excited to announce that we have transitioned to a new communication platform. We now are using ParentSquare for District and school level communications. ParentSquare is designed to keep parents informed and make communicating easy. It provides a safe method for principals, teachers, staff, and parents/guardians to communicate and share information through email, text and phone messages.

We encourage everyone to activate their ParentSquare account to take full advantage of this tool. Even without an account, all families will receive messages to their email address and phone number. But an activated account makes communication even easier and gives parents the ability to customize how they receive messages. We also encourage users to download the free ParentSquare app, available in the Apple Store and Google Play

Once you’ve activated your account, visit this Parent Resource page to get started using ParentSquare.

How to Activate your PS account

With the email invitation:

The District emailed families a few times, inviting them to activate their account and will resend the invites occasionally to those that have not activated their account. If you received an email, follow the invitation link to get started. Email invitations do expire. If yours has, follow the directions below.

Without the email invitation:

Check your spam folder for the email. If you think the contact information your school has on file might be outdated, please contact them to make sure the information is accurate. It’s extremely important that your child’s school has your current email address and phone number on file to ensure you receive classroom, school and district information.

To register without the email invitation, visit (or install the ParentSquare app) and follow the prompts to sign up. You must register with the email address and phone number that is on record with your school.

Getting Started with ParentSquare Flyer