Multilingual Programs

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to implement research-based instructional approaches to ensure English Language Learners attain English proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening and have meaningful access to state standards.

Services for Multilingual Learners:

The David Douglas School District values and celebrates the rich language diversity of our students and families.  More than 60 languages are heard in the homes of our families with Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, and Chinese as the four most widely spoken.  DDSD serves approximately 2,200 Multilingual Learners (MLLs) with specific instruction in English Language Development and Sheltered Instruction.  Our highly trained Language Development Specialists (elementary) and English Language Development Teachers (secondary) work in each of our schools with the goal of helping all MLLs achieve proficiency in English and academic success in all content areas.

District Multilingual Programs and Equity Staff:

Shane Burchell

Portrait of Shane Burchell

Assistant Administrator of
Multilingual Programs
503-256-6500 Ext. 4886
8:00 am to 3:30 pm

DDSD Secondary ELD Adoption Timeline

Flow Chart Of Secondary ELD adoption Timeline

Check out our slide deck on how to better support our newcomers!