Our Draft Integrated Plan

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Following the Oregon Department of Education’s guidance, school districts must develop an Integrated Plan that brings together the six aligned programs listed below to improve outcomes and learning conditions for all students and educators.

  • High School Success (HSS)
  • Student Investment Account (SIA)
  • Continuous Improvement Planning (CIP)
  • Career and Technical Education – Perkins V (CTE)
  • Every Day Matters (EDM)
  • Early Indicator Intervention Systems (EIIS)

Drafts of our Integrated Plan application and budget are published here for public review and feedback. Your input is valued and appreciated. Those who wish to share feedback may do so through the online form linked below. It will be open until March 1, 2023.

To learn about the Integrated Plan process in greater detail, view ODE’s guide: Aligning For Student Success: Integrated Guidance for six ODE Initiatives

Integrated Plan Materials

DDSD Draft Integrated Plan Application

DDSD Draft Integrated Plan Budget

Feedback Forms

Please use the links below if you would like to provide feedback.

EnglishTo provide feedback in English, please click here
SpanishPara proporcionar comentarios en español, haga clic aquí
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