TAG (Talented and Gifted)
Talented and gifted children are a powerful and natural resource for the improvement of the human condition. It is our responsibility to help these children reach their potential by providing learning environments, experiences and relationships which will expand and extend their learning potentials, their goals for self, and their personal frame of reference. The basic premise of the Talented and Gifted (TAG) Program in David Douglas is that each child with exceptional abilities and potential will be recognized and provided with opportunity and an environment, which will aid his or her full development. Such children require special consideration in planning, curriculum and activities in the educational process which expand both cognitive and affective abilities and foster responsibility and intellectual independence.
DDSD Plan for TAG Education
View David Douglas School District’s 2023-26 TAG plan
Identifying Gifted and Talented Students
In accordance with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-22-403, the school district uses the following criteria for identifying the intellectually gifted and academically talented:
A. Intellectually Gifted: Those children who score at or above the 97th percentile on a nationally standardized test of mental ability.
B. Academically Talented: Those children who score at or above the 97th percentile on a nationally standardized test of total reading or a test of total mathematics.
For additional information about the David Douglas TAG program, please contact Michelle Armstrong at 503-256-6500.