Early Entry Guidelines

David Douglas School District will adhere to the state policy of admitting five-year-olds to kindergarten that meet enrollment age criteria.


In very rare instances, a student who turns five during the month of September may be considered for early entrance into Kindergarten. The early entry screening process involves the administration of a test of mental ability. (It is not the same as a kindergarten readiness test.) Tested areas include: verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative batteries. Students must score at or above the 85th percentile to be considered for early entrance. If the child is accepted into kindergarten there will be a conference in October to review the child’s progress.

The Talented and Gifted Coordinator must receive the testing fee ($175) and application for early kindergarten entrance on or before August 1st. This fee is non-refundable if your student does not pass the test. To request an application contact David Petersen, in Student Services at 503-256-6500 ext. 4458.

First Grade:

A student will be admitted to first grade as a five year old if:

  1. The parent submits documentation that the child attended a State accredited kindergarten program whose curriculum matches David Douglas’s scope and sequence.
  2. The parent submits a written reference letter from the child’s kindergarten teacher commenting on the student’s academic, social, emotional, and physical attributes and accompanying assessment data.

If the student has not attended an accredited institution, then the child will begin in a kindergarten classroom and may be tested during the first few weeks of school. If the child scores at the 97th percentile on a test of mental ability, and the teacher observes advanced maturity, then the child will be considered for first grade. If the child is accepted into first grade there will be a conference in October to review the child’s progress.

Parents requesting early entry into first grade must first contact the building principal at their neighborhood school.